• QUEER TRANSFORMATIVE ROOTS: QTR was developed in 2018 as a space that centered QTPOC youth in Rhode Island. The space was heavily effected by housing instability and needed to mobilize and organize around housing equality. Queer Community Housing Initative started as conversations around building co-ops as a form or building communal wealth; allowing us to protect and support our own communities.

  • As time went on, we recognized a need for more rapid and immediate support and have since been developing a Rapid Emergency Shelter Team. R.E.S.T. aims to connect SAFE Community members with space in their homes to host QT POC dealing with housing instability. QTR also runs PrYSM AFTER HRZ ,which is a QT POC- centered drop-in space for youth ages 16-26 every Friday from 6:30PM-9PM.

  • ... with the increase of house instability amongst queer and trans people throughout the state, QTR has launched multiple Rent Relief drives for youth in need of financial support. The Rapid Emergency Shelter Team took pause in light of the pandemic but has been restructuring to accommodate for COVID concerns..

  • Are you interested in learning more about getting involved with our Queer Rapid Rehousing initiative? Leave us a message and our team will get back to you asap!

  • Keep up to date on our community events and QTR initiatives on our calendar and socials!

If you believe everyone deserves an accessible safe space —

Join us in our efforts to expand our network of safe housing for our queer and trans friends.

We believe everyone has the right of access to a safe space, and we are building a safer world through community shelter.


“With the devastating economic hardship brought on by the pandemic, QTR’s work to address housing insecurity among queer and trans youth of color has become more urgent than ever.”

— Community Member on the QT Rehousing Initiative

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